First light - The Sciency Bit

why drink coffee?

Consuming just a few cups each day has been linked to reducing the risk of all kinds of conditions and ailments, including Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, gallstones, depression, suicide, cirrhosis, liver cancer, melanoma and prostate cancer. The consumption of coffee has been associated with reduced death rates time and time again in studies all around the World. Coffee is full of good stuff which can help keep you healthy.

First Light takes it a step further than other coffee. Our goal is to make coffee that provides even more health benefits and good stuff than other coffee. As athletes ourselves, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our performance and this has formed the basis of all our research and the creation of our products. Our goal is to help those who love to adventure and challenge themselves physically as much as we do to reach their goals.


More antioxidants

First Light is full of antioxidants which are molecules that can help your body fight off harmful free radicals, which have been linked to health conditions like diabetes and cancer. natural substances that can prevent cell damage.


Biodynamic holistic farming creates living soil with revitalised natural forces. This is vital to us and our process. No pesticides, no herbicides and no other toxic ingredients. More love, energy and natural resource is put into the land and as a result, we get something beautiful from it. Healthier soil means healthier coffee.

More Polyphenols

Polyphenols activate your immune system and can fight off infection and disease. They have anti-inflammatory properties and can act as antioxidants. Firs Light has plenty of these!


Our coffee has a high concentration of vitamin B2, B3 and B5 to help the body convert food into energy, create new blood cells, maintain healthy skin cells, brain cells and other tissues. It also contains magnesium to help muscles and nerves work properly, to control blood sugar and blood pressure and to make protein, bone and DNA within the body. Potassium to help regulate fluid balance and support your nervous system and regulate muscle and heart contractions.

Enhances Performance

A cup of First Light can make a huge difference to how you perform. Tests have shown that a good cup of coffee results in a reduced perception of pain and an increased aerobic capacity. Coffee is known to increase time to exhaustion and may be effective at increasing VO2 max in athletes, contributing to increased performance.


It’s like flicking a switch. That rush of hyper-focus and game. First Light helps you stay dialled in during your workouts so that you can get the best out of them.

aids muscle recovery

Glycogen is the body’s process of converting glucose into energy. Drinking First Light post-workout or exercise increases glycogen stores in your muscles, resulting in quicker recovery after a tough session and less of the dreaded DOMS!

What makes First Light better?

By the time you drink a cup of coffee, the natural goodness and health benefits have all been stripped away and lost. Most brands will look for ways to simplify and speed up the process to maximise their profits. This results in a very poor quality cup coffee (although you can’t always tell). At first light, We do things differently. every step from farm to roast is done in a careful unique way to ensure that all the good stuff and the health benefits are still present in the coffee as you drink it. Our coffee is carefully nurtured and loved through each step with one goal in mind - to keep give you the healthiest cup of coffee possible.