the why and the who

For some it’s a new pair of underwear, a different route to work or a new pizza topping. For others it’s a life threatening outdoor experience that makes life worth living. It’s something that usually involves taking risks and pushing limits.

adventure / ad-ven-ture / (noun) :


Watching a sunrise and drinking a cup of coffee have a lot of similar benefits. Both improve your mood, reduce stress and depression, reduce inflammation, restore your attention and leave you feeling full of energy and ready to take on the day. What if you could do both every morning? That would be double the benefits, right?

At First Light, that’s what we’re all about. Double the goodness and double the adventure. We get up, drink a delicious and healthy cup of coffee and we get out there for the best part of the day.


I’m happiest when I have my trail running shoes on and I’m summiting a mountain as the sun is rising. There’s just no better feeling in the world. Just before it comes the scramble and panic when the glow of warm light comes creeping from behind the horizon and changes the black night sky into a comforting navy colour. That’s when I know I need to get a move on and pump those legs to make sure I get to the top in time for the ‘big show’. The rush of endorphins hits the same time as the great big orange ball of fire emerges over the top of the distant hills and my breath and my mind get taken away. I pause for a moment, take in the most beautiful few seconds when light screams across the sky for the first time today before running over the edge using the sun’s energy to propel me down the hills and through the valleys home ready to take on the day. Knowing that I’ve experienced something so magical before most people have even opened their eyes gives me power and a victory to start the day. 
I haven’t always been like this. I used to be the person who would be falling into bed as the sun came up. But, in the last 6 years, I’ve experienced quite the transformation. It started with discovering running and falling in love with that. It was a game changer for me and has had a massive positive impact on both my physical and mental health. I now can’t imagine life without it. I’ve never settled and I’m always looking to try new types of running and adventure. I’ve participated in all different kinds of events from road running races, trail marathons, ultramarathons, IronMan events, cycling races and military hiking challenges.  Basically, I love to push myself to see what I’m capable of. I’m not done yet and I’m always planning a new adventure or challenge. 
What I’ve found when I’m training for events is that the little things count. Sleep and fuel are just as important as the miles you put in during preparation. Over the last few years, I’ve gone down the rabbit hole on nutrition and performance nutrition. I’ve read and studied as much as I could and I’ve learnt so much about how what you put in your body affects its performance. As a coffee head, I was ecstatic to learn about how coffee can have huge benefits for athletes and the way that they perform. It’s like my two favourite things came together perfectly. This is how First Light was born. 


The rugged slopes of the Black Mountains in South Wales have provided the backdrop to my life and having been born and brought up in Abergavenny, South Wales, the hillsides & valleys have set the scene as my playground from the year dot. I was always pretty athletic in my school years, playing rugby, cross country running and cycling. I competed in MTB & cyclocross races up and down the country between the ages of 12-16. Winning the Welsh Cyclocross Champs when I was 14.

Fast forward a few years and by the time I was 17 any kind of training or exercise had been swapped for playing loud guitars, drinking beers and smoking cigarettes. With the exception of a few mini breaks this probably lasted up until the age of about 30 when starting a family and the arrival of Josh & Evie really made me want to sort my shit out.

It wasn’t straight forward though and with a few major personal ups and downs and a dramatic shift in my personal circumstances the escape from reality was aided with alcohol driven days & nights out, music being played loudly and guitars turned up to 11! In late 2020 along with many others I found myself re-connecting with nature and felt an almost tangible force steering me towards improving my physical and mental health.The urge to run or hike up the mountains and into nature was almost like I was being called, It was so powerful.

Switching my mindset, realigning my core values and setting my alarm clock to ‘let’s get up that fucking mountain o’clock’ was exactly what I needed and it was the right time to do it! Reaching the summit for First Light and experiencing the greatest show on earth makes me feel like I’ve never felt before…energised, alive, grateful and motivated for the day ahead.

My morning routine is super important for my physical and mental health and it sets the scene for the rest of the day. If I start out on the right foot at the right time it helps me overcome whatever stresses and challenges I face later on.

One thing thats been a constant part of my morning routine and more recently in my attempts at getting in shape is coffee. A cup of instant would be the go to for my uneducated self, tricking me into thinking I was getting a kick, however, since delving deeper into the science behind the coffee bean and developing I’m now using coffee as a performance aid and not just for athletic purposes but for general health benefits.

Being consistent with my fitness routine is not easy by any means and very often that extra kick up the ass is what is needed to make sure I get out the door in the morning. Whether it’s in running kit, cycling kit or just gym kit its part of the routine to have a nice strong cup of coffee to sip on pre workout.

We sourced the absolute best we could find and developed our unique biodynamic coffee - FIRST LIGHT - COPA. (Summit in Welsh) and it fucking rocks!

first light

first light